Jeannette Francis
Windrush Person-centred Trauma Counsellor
Jeannette Francis arrived in the UK late 1978 from the Caribbean Island of Grenada. She lived in Scotland for her first two years and had to quickly adjust to the difference in climate. I was given a four- week visa and was expected to send in my passport every couple of weeks, where it will be stamped and returned. During that period, she was not allowed to seek employment and that was frustrating. Eventually Jeannette was given leave to remain and began working in the catering sector as her nursing qualification was not recognised in Scotland. She was determined to return to the nursing profession. Several years later, she was able to return to nursing by undaunting holding unto her dream. Her journey was a great one insightful, fulfilling with the acquisition of new knowledge and she worked in the NHS and at private hospitals as a Theatre nurse from that the 80’s until she retired in 2015. Jeannette is a writer and author of two books published by Amazon.