Garrick Prayogg
Garrick Prayogg is community activist and campaigner, with experience in policy development and regeneration policies. As a 2nd Generation Windrush Descendant, working in the communities since 1970’s has given him a diverse range of skills and experiences. He has dealt with minority issues such as: gender, race, health, social care, housing, and families. He has a passion for community work and for influencing policy changes that addresses exclusion, making social connections and building networks for the benefit of everyone. Having worked with communities for most of his adult life, Garrick has held numerous board member positions, such as Governor, Trustee and non-executive director. From 2017, he held the elected public Governor post for a large NHS Foundation in the Northwest of England. Garrick is an avid mental health champion with lived experiences and is a member of the Royal College of Psychology, where he assists with co-production and race equality initiatives.